June 29 – Day four
Three extremes
“Where are you going?” asks me a muscular young fellow biker.
“Two Iron Gate. And you?”
“To Argentina,” he replies.
“Yes, I am making a world tour”
In a follow-up discussion, he reveals he is a Swiss guy with Argentinian roots, bikes all alone, will pass Asia first, sleeps in a tent, preferably in a free nature to avoid costs. We exchange number of practical hints. Including my advertising for the navigation app Mapy.cz!
The second extreme happens an hour later. I meet a cycling Frenchman with a bunch of children. Soon I learn that they are a family with 8, yes eight, children travelling from Nancy to Bulgaria and then by plane to Israel. So far there have been two months cycling. Two smallest kids in a bicycle trailer, the rest on their own. All eight children aged, I guess, from 2 to 14. My admiration!
The third extreme today were the Hungarian Great Plains This is the name of the area I was passing today. Flat, flat, flat as far as the eye can reach. You can be cycling for three hours and the countryside looks all the same. The cycling tracks are mostly deserted.
Surface-wise I experience today, everything from sand, mud, gravel, mowed lawn, overgrown grass, concrete, up to the finest tarmac. All in all under the burning sun from Rackeve to Baja.

A typical Hungarian village in the omnipresent sunshine

A goulash soup for a light lunch – what else 🙂

Hungarian Great Plains – you can enjoy this picture for hours. Sometimes it feels like riding on a home bike in front of a huge wallpaper photo 🙂
Posted on 03.02 2024 at 14:12