June 26 – Day one

On Monday my this year challenge starts: From Vienna along the Danube down to the Iron Gate near the Romanian/Serbian/Bulgarian border.

If you are a biker, you understand the beauty of such sceneries. Well apart from the wind turbines 🙁

To my big surprise, my chosen official cycling path from Vienna to Bratislava passes in the heart of Vienna International Airport. I decided not to board any of the plans today.

The founders of one village at the foot of this mountain called their home just simply “Mountain” (Berg). The other two villages were much more inventive. One is called “Dog’s home” (Hundsheim) the other one, “Noble Stall” or “Noble Iron” (Edelstal) – depending if a “h” or “l” got lost from the name during the centuries…

Bratislava Castle – what a lovely dominant

Bryndzove halusky – potato dumplings with sheep cheese and bacon – having eaten it once you have to return to Slovakia again again to enjoy this culinary specialty

„If you love her, nothing goes wrong“ reads the Billboard. “She” is “Kofola“, a softdrink from the old Czechoslovak times when Coca Cola was not available. After some Coke-orgy in the 90’s and 2000’s, Kofola experiences a huge revival today in both Czechia and Slovakia. The reason: It’s better than Coke. Proof: I had three of them today!
Posted on 24.01 2024 at 20:58