Day 4 – Getting home, getting emotional
Hometown is something special. Kolin is it for me. Though I have not lived here for almost 40 years, I still feel strongly attached to it. Thus, what a pleasure to see this lovely town thriving. And what a pleasure to meet old friends. Innumerable memories rekindled. Yes, I got emotional.
I went even to a close-by village Konarovice where part of my family originates from. In the pub there, I had the following conversation with two elderly gentlemen:
Me: “I spent here several summer vacations in the 70s as a kid.”
Gent 1: “I am coming to this pub since 1967”
Gent 2: (Pointing at Gent 1) “And during this time he went home only twice”
Yes, Gent 1 knew my uncle and aunt 🙂
So, coming back to Kolín, the only strange feeling is to be sleeping here in a hotel instead of my own bed 🙂

Posted on 06.06 2022 at 23:58