Day 20 – Awakening

If you had a nice dream, it is better to awaken slowly. The more if your dream came true. Riding back was my slow awakening today. First, I enjoyed the endless tranquil meadows of northern Lower Saxony. Being in no hurry, I took a deep breath of my friend wind, this time the tailwind.

When leaving my hotel, I met other guests. Two fully tattooed ladies, one from Argentina, the other one from Slovakia. They paid the room in cash. The Slovak mentioned to be here on business trip.
“Which business?” I ask curiously
“We sell tattoos”
“Like yours?”
“No, for children” and shows me her forearms full of different motives.
“Are they permanent?” I ask naively
“Oh no, they are gone in 10 days”

Back to my awakening. Near the lovely town Stade the traffic grows significantly and the closer I get to Hamburg the more reality I feel.

In Hamburg, I ride up and down to inhale its pulse. Later at the railway station, when waiting for the train, I need to answer nature’s call. I ask a security guy if he could watch my bike with all my belongings for a second. When returning relieved, he blocks ostentatiously my way and is almost shouting: “Do not approach this bike. I am guarding it and I know the owner. He looked different from you!”

Though joking, he is actually right. My awakening has been just accomplished.

Thanks to all of you who helped me to make this trip happen.

111 awakening km from Hörne to Hamburg
111 awakening km from Hörne to Hamburg
Endless tranquillity of northern Lower Saxony
Endless tranquillity of northern Lower Saxony
Now I know where the shape of Kaiser Wilhem‘s military helmet comes from
Now I know where the shape of Kaiser Wilhem‘s military helmet comes from
Town Stade
Town Stade
Ferry in Hamburg ends my loneliness
Ferry in Hamburg ends my loneliness
All roads lead allegedly to Rome. But these tracks to Vienna
All roads lead allegedly to Rome. But these tracks to Vienna

Posted on 22.06 2022 at 22:08