Day 13 – Saxony Stop
Saxony-Anhalt is a federal state between Saxony and Lower Saxony. The word „Anhalt“ in its name, and my apologies upfront, sounds for me like a train stop (anhalten = to stop). In any case, it is a picturesque countryside where I made many stops.
After Wittenberg and Dessau yesterday, it was primarily Magdeburg today. A liveable city with wonderful surroundings. I cruised through Magdeburg for more than 10km.
At yet another ferry I met a couple from South Tirol, with a lovely „r“ and „ch” pronunciation, so typical for their dialect. They were cycling the same track as me, just in the opposite direction. We exchanged so much practical information, including a vacancy in a nice B&B just round the corner. Feeling sun-struck and dizzy from riding in a stitching sunshine the whole day, I decided to change plans and to stay. Well, one more justified stop in Saxony-Anhalt

Posted on 15.06 2022 at 19:32