DE Day 3, June 1, Bridges to the past

There is numerous non-functional bridges across the river Neiße. Some of them just closed but still standing, some broken in the middle, from others just one remnant pillar on the embankment. To me silent witnesses that a) before the WW2 they were needed in this industrious area since also the other bank belonged to Germany and b) the brotherly relationship between the communist East Germany and Poland was not strong enough to keep them.

“Sorry, no”; “Sorry, no”; “Sorry, no”; “Sorry, no”; “Sorry, no” I heard six time on the phone when trying to book a room for tonight in Eisenhüttenstadt. Four other hotels and B&B did not bother to pick up the phone. The later the afternoon, the gloomier the feeling. Having no other option, we keep pedalling.

Three short stormy showers. Not long, probably 15 minutes each, but each time spending additional 15 minutes with putting on and off our Goretex stuff.

“I will not keep you standing in the rain” tells me a joyful lady’s voice on the phone and adds how she likes Austria, that she is just on her way to the concert of Andreas Gabalier (note: this Austrian singer is not my taste), that her 17 years old will show us their B&B and countless other details. When I mention to the daughter my call with her mum, she just laconically adds: “Yes, she talks a lot”

Anyway, the last bridge we crossed today after 95 km lead to the future – Fürstenberg, a suburb of Eisenhüttenstadt, where we found a roof over our heads. The talkative landowner on the phone called is a „neat apartment“. Seeing it, we respectfully & silently disagreed. But yes, it was a roof over our heads 🙂

95 km from Bad Muskau to Fürstenberg/Eisenhüttenstadt

Another hotel in Bad Muskau where we, for some reason incomprehensible reason, were NOT staying. Then we found one: too many mosquitos 🙂

Still standing but not functional.

The only remnant of what used to be a bridge across Neiße once

A church in Polish Gubin. Destroyed in the last day of WW2, now, as to the local poster, funding available to be finally repaired

This corn mill survived WW2 nicely, but not the reunification of Germany in the 1990’s

Another biker’s romance

Best mediation setup – pedalling 10 km without experiencing one single change of this scenery

Unanswered questions of the universe: I shot this picture of the sky above us during one of the rain showers. No idea where the water came from. But still, we all got wet 🙂


Geschriben 01.06 2024 um 21:38