Day 5 – May 10th – Double Joy

“A lot of success” is my farewell wish to an experienced co-biker whom I met accidentally for breakfast. 
“Not success, but a lot of joy!” is his response.  So I decided to heed his wise advice. And had a double joy today. 

First the nature
– incredible scenery
– the mountains were friendly to me and let me the European water shed at 1676 metres 
– the valley of the river Lech surpassed all expectations 
– equally Ehrwald,  my today’s destination 

Second socialising 
– voluntary fire brigades let me use their air compressors and depicted their major mission last year when they saved a huge hotel
– canyoning enthusiasts borrowed me a proper screwdriver to fix a loose screw 
– American tourist chatted with me about 100 things and shared the view it is a shame than only two over-aged candidates run for presidency
– an Ukrainian waitress shared her sorrows and details of her breakneck escape from the city of Chernigov
– a joking hotel owner made me laugh, and vice versa, when negotiating the price for the room 

Net-net: A had a lot of joy today riding 102km and ascending 1200 altimeters


102km and 1200 altimeters from Schröcken to Ehrwald


My first lag of journey Thanks mountains for letting me pass without collapsing


The river Lech valley opens up


Coud a picture from Tyrol look more tyrolian?


I measured the speed of these rafters: 20 km/h


Sorry for being repetitive. Just another biking romance

“A lot of success” is my farewell wish to an experienced co-biker whom I met accidentally for breakfast. 
“Not success, but a lot of joy!” is his response.  So I decided to heed his wise advice. And had a double joy today. 

First the nature
– incredible scenery
– the mountains were friendly to me and let me the European water shed at 1676 metres 
– the valley of the river Lech surpassed all expectations 
– equally Ehrwald,  my today’s destination 

Second socialising 
– voluntary fire brigades let me use their air compressors and depicted their major mission last year when they saved a huge hotel
– canyoning enthusiasts borrowed me a proper screwdriver to fix a loose screw 
– American tourist chatted with me about 100 things and shared the view it is a shame than only two over-aged candidates run for presidency
– an Ukrainian waitress shared her sorrows and details of her breakneck escape from the city of Chernigov
– a joking hotel owner made me laugh, and vice versa, when negotiating the price for the room 

Net-net: A had a lot of joy today riding 102km and ascending 1200 altimeters


102km and 1200 altimeters from Schröcken to Ehrwald


My first lag of journey Thanks mountains for letting me pass without collapsing


The river Lech valley opens up


Coud a picture from Tyrol look more tyrolian?


I measured the speed of these rafters: 20 km/h


Sorry for being repetitive. Just another biking romance

Geschriben 10.05 2024 um 20:03