Day 14 – No Stress

Though two should be doable, I calculated three weeks for this trip, just not to be under stress. If asked by anyone what are my detailed plans, I reply: „No plans, just an intention to get to the North Sea.“ Three weeks and no plans give me the freedom to stop anywhere, to talk to anyone and to make any detour I like.

I applied this explorative spirit today when a part of the trail was closed due to construction works. Instead of taking the official detour, I trusted my navigation and found a shortcut through the woods. The direction was correct but the trail was full of sand. Each metre was as strenuous as 100 meters on a hard surface. I met a Dutch couple there, both in their mid 70’s, who were fighting as fiercely as me. When we finally got out of the woods to tarmac, they speeded up and outdistanced me. Not believing it was possible, I speeded too. Having caught up with them again, I looked at his bike and asked fully astonished.
“You have no E-bike?”
“No, I don’t. But she’s got one.” pointing to his wife. “That’s why we are going so fast” replied the elderly Dutchman smiling.

I managed to keep up with this couple for a kilometre. Then I pretended I need to answer nature’s call. First, they even politely waited, and then left. Surely understanding that I am here to have no stress.

104 from Rogâtz to Quitzöbel
104 from Rogâtz to Quitzöbel
621.37 is probably a nonsense number for those who are using miles. But my metric system companions could understand. Here I passed 1000 km
621.37 is probably a nonsense number for those who are using miles. But my metric system companions could understand. Here I passed 1000 km
A credit card touch instead of human touch. A “registration office” at a modern camping place
A credit card touch instead of human touch. A “registration office” at a modern camping place
Tangermünde -picturesque almost as Disneyland. But this one is real !
Tangermünde -picturesque almost as Disneyland. But this one is real !
The Elbe at Arneburg is getting wide
The Elbe at Arneburg is getting wide
Havelberg where, as reminded by these statues the German Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm I. and the Russian Czar Peter the Great agreed a military support treaty. Yes, the real  Czars could had been trusted…
Havelberg where, as reminded by these statues the German Emperor Friedrich Wilhelm I. and the Russian Czar Peter the Great agreed a military support treaty. Yes, the real Czars could had been trusted…

Geschriben 16.06 2022 um 22:23 |