Day 6 – Two extraordinary guys

Today I needed to lubricate my chain after the heavy duty muddy experience yesterday. In an inconspicuous bike shop in Roudnice I ran into a guy who knew everything about bicycles. A simple initial question of mine led to a 45-minute Q&A session. He enlightened me, with respect to bike servicing, as no one before. A cycling parallel to Woody Allen’s “Everything you wanted to know about sex…but were afraid to ask” I eagerly dictated to my phone as many notes I I could. Just to find out later that I somehow managed to delete them somehow…

The second worth mentioning encounter happened while biking. When passing a group of children, I asked several of them how they were doing. Each of them looked at me strangely, no one replied. The only their leader, a man in his 30s, started a conversation with me. The children were from a children’s home, each of them with some behavioural anomaly. Their parents were in jails, alcoholics, disappeared, revoked of their paternal rights and the like. The young man, the director of the children’s home. Above and beyond his duty, he organized these multi-day cycling trips Just because he saw how much It was helping the kids. He got my full admiration

In the end it was a sunny day with 72 km. Sunny not only for me

From Melnik to Litomerice
From Melnik to Litomerice
Chateau Melnik where wine and the rivers Elbe and Moldau come together. Moldau is actually a bigger one but luckily  the joint river kept the name Elbe. What a pleasure for a guy who grew up upon Elbe
Chateau Melnik where wine and the rivers Elbe and Moldau come together. Moldau is actually a bigger one but luckily the joint river kept the name Elbe. What a pleasure for a guy who grew up upon Elbe.
Roudnice the city where the know-how of the bike expert impressed me even more than the local castle
Roudnice the city where the know-how of the bike expert impressed me even more than the local castle
Terezín/Theresienstadt, always with mixed feelings. My grandfather was kept by the Nazis for more than two years in this concentration camp. He survived :)
Terezín/Theresienstadt, always with mixed feelings. My grandfather was kept by the Nazis for more than two years in this concentration camp. He survived 🙂
The mystical Table-Mountain Rip. As to the legend, the Forefather Czech arrived here in the fifth century, looked round, declared the surrounding as a promised land for his tribe and the Czechs have stayed here since. Well almost all of us :)
The mystical Table-Mountain Rip. As to the legend, the Forefather Czech arrived here in the fifth century, looked round, declared the surrounding as a promised land for his tribe and the Czechs have stayed here since. Well almost all of us 🙂

Geschriben 08.06 2022 um 21:56