Day 10 – Small talk

A lazy mouth is a sheer misfortune – was my father’s favourite saying. Probably that’s why I love small talk
“May a biker join a biker?“ worked so far always on this trip. In one of these small talks I learned e.g. that the opposite of an „e-bike“ is a „bio-bike“. I started to spread this knowledge in all following small talks and the response so far was like my initial one: “Oh, I should remember that…”

The information from these conversations it’s also very practical. Where to go, what to avoid, what to eat, what to pass, what is a must-see, what not. Today, I also managed to confuse my counterpart completely. In Wittenberg, the city of Martin Luther, the most important German church reformer, I experienced a great festival. People dressed in medieval costumes, countless stands selling historical objects, parade with drums and trumpets marching through the crowded streets.
“What festival is it?” I ask naively a young lady next to me.
“It is our city festival!“ replies she with a completely estranged look.
“What is the reason?” I continue
She looks at me as if I had fallen from the moon and then continues:
“We celebrate the wedding anniversary of Martin Luther”
“Was he married several times?” I try to joke
“No, just once, but we celebrated every year” and the small talk was over…

107 zigzagging km on the Elbe dykes from Mühlberg to Wittenberg
107 zigzagging km on the Elbe dykes from Mühlberg to Wittenberg
The heritage protection laws keep the original clobber stones in place and provide to every passing cyclist a free all muscle rattle massage
The heritage protection laws keep the original clobber stones in place and provide to every passing cyclist a free all muscle rattle massage
The castle of Torgau which Luther visited many times to sharpen up his ideas. As to Luther’s own words: “Wittenberg is the mother, Torgau the wet nurse of the reformation”
The castle of Torgau which Luther visited many times to sharpen up his ideas. As to Luther’s own words: “Wittenberg is the mother, Torgau the wet nurse of the reformation”
Elbe becomes a “meadow river” near Wittenberg. As to the locals, the water level is now 1.2m below normal
Elbe becomes a “meadow river” near Wittenberg. As to the locals, the water level is now 1.2m below normal
The cyclists get sometimes lost in the trail zigzags among the dykes. But the storks always keep their bird’s view
The cyclists get sometimes lost in the trail zigzags among the dykes. But the storks always keep their bird’s view

Geschriben 12.06 2022 um 21:59 |