Day 5 – Is Ignorance Bliss?
Already yesterday I noted that the huge white painted concrete blocks disappeared from the embankment of the Elbe. In my young days, large black digits in these blocks indicated how far the river travelled so far. If my memory doesn’t mislead me, Kolin was roughly 178 km from the source. Today there are just white signposts which presumably indicate the distance to the North Sea. Presumably, since I simply do not know. Anyway, in Kolin they read 929.
My another ignorance today was deliberate. I didn’t want to know the weather forecast, assuming it will stop the morning rain. Well, it did not. Eight hours of falling water ensued. Off-road trails got muddy, the tires were skidding in all directions, adrenalin up, the speed down to 5 km/h. My sweat compensated from inside what Goretex warded off from outside. To give a positive touch to this distress, I took it as a test what is the max distance I manage to travel under such conditions. 105 km it was. But with no desire to repeat it again.
Last but not least, when washing my cycling T-shirt I forgot I kept my earphones in it. Having given them a proper hair dryer treatment afterwards, my ignorance gives me hope they should work tomorrow…
So the really positive message of today is that I have saved a lot of sun lotion 🙂

Geschriben 07.06 2022 um 22:33